“Stinky” the dog that made my brother and I famous for a day

We used to have a dog we named “Stinky”. He was a stray dog that showed up at our place one day, and well, the way he earned his name should be self explanatory. Your welcome to read the article I scanned, which ran on the front page of the Ephrata Review, on May 11, 1988.  A short summary of it is that “Stinky” was a stray that showed up with a busted jaw, and my parents took him to the vet, and got his jaw wired back together. We had to feed him soft food for several weeks while he recovered. My memory of “Stinky” is a bit fuzzy, since we are talking about 1988 and I was 5 years old.

Stinky lived for several years after that, until he had another unfortunate incident, this time with a wild fox.  (I don’t remember all the details, except that my dad meted out justice to the fox with a Winchester 30-30)

Happy hunting, and don’t forget to keep the wild foxes away from your dogs.


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