What is P.A.D? Here is a description of it:

I have gotten messages from several people wondering what in the world P.A.D. is, which appeared to be affecting my brother in law Paul as he entered the Anchorage airport on his way back to PA. Of course, being a beacon of mental stability, I have never been affected by P.A.D. However, here is a […]

Motorhome gets stuck in lane, chicks dig Alaska

Sorry for not post a blog entry for several entire months…a lot has been going on. I am almost finished with our next book, “Return to Alaska”. We were in PA for awhile, and finally left for AK somewhere around the week after tax season. We had a fairly uneventful 4,000 mile drive. I managed […]

Marlene refuses to let dead coyote ride shotgun

Sad to say, our pig hunt was a failure. No wild hogs showed up. However, a coyote that looked like a wild hog did. Around midnight I got up, worried that while I was trying to sleep herds of wild pigs were milling around the chicken house. It was a brisk 39 degrees, and wearing […]

Books sale are unbelievable, sold out for the moment

I want to say a big “Thank You” to everyone who has ordered books! We are sold out of books, and I have placed an order for several thousand with a publisher located in New York. (proof that despite my complaints about NY’s oppressive regulations, I don’t hate the people in the state) The second […]

Suburban breaks down within walking distance of cheap van for sale

I have a theory thatĀ  “you can never find a cheap vehicle when you need one”, thus you need to buy cheap vehicles whenever you see them for sale. This allows you to have a few handy spares. However this week that theory was shot full of holes. (or at least proven to have a […]

Moose burger for lunch, cabin gets solar panel and battery upgrade

For lunch today I ate moose for the first time. If nobody would have said anything I would have assumed I was eating beef. Not bad for wild game, I will certainly buy a moose tag next hunting season. Where did this particular moose come from? Why we got it given to us by the […]

Busted in Minnesota, free pass through Canada

People keep wondering how we are doing, and if that laptop did end up under the trailer tires. The good news is we made it to Alaska, I’m actually warming up to Windows 8 a little, the bad news is we got a ticket along the way. (not for speeding, with that huge trailer) I […]