Limo drives through work zone, pandemonium ensues

Thursday of this week, April 25th, I had the chance to go with Paul Weaver of Beavertown Guns & Grocery to pickup some sporting goods from one of his wholesalers, Jerrys Sporting
Goods, near Scranton, Pa. (I enjoy hanging out with store owner tycoon types like Paul, it makes me feel important) Naturally we drove the limo, because we needed room to haul all the goods back.

We left early and did some trout fishing just outside of Scranton. On the way home we drove through a work area, where it was slow single lane traffic. We drove past someone rolling blacktop with a roller, only to hear shouting and all kinds of carrying on.  I was worried they were shouting at us for some reason, (maybe tree huggers types who hate anything larger than a moped) but turns out the guy driving the roller was watching the limo and not where he was going, and was the object of all the shouting.

Another humorous development happened while we were at the fishing spot. Not being a hard core fisherman, I got cold and tired and went back to the limo to sample the snacks Paul had brought along. (another perk of hanging out with grocery store owners) While I was sitting in the back of the limo munching and not thinking about much in particular, someone drove past in a Mustang. They slowed down and almost stopped then drove off.  A few minutes later they returned and started taking pictures of the limo. They took pictures for several minutes, and I thought perhaps they noticed I was sitting in the back and wanted to talk to me.  I opened the door and got out, and they quickly drove off like they were in some kind of trouble. (If your the Mustang driver and are reading this your welcome to take all the pictures you want, and no I wasn’t mad)

And then a more bizarre incident happend last night, on the way home from visiting some friends Akron, Pa. We were on 11/15, driving around midnight. Some black pickup truck keep swerving around in front and hitting the brake lights and turn signals, and finally his horn, like he wanted me to pull over. Sorry black pickup driver, but I don’t pull over along deserted stretches of highway at midnight to talk to strangers, at least not without a police escort and maybe a helicopter gunship. (and neither was available that evening)

Happy Hunting! (spring turkey season opened today)


Paul with a trout

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One Comment

  1. Hi Matt! I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your books! I’ve only read a few so far but they made great bedtime stories because I can read them to our children and they are interesting for both child and adult. There’s a lot to be said for something like that! I think your book writing is an important mission, because think of all the people who cannot travel to Alaska and do what you do because they are handicap or need to care for bed-fast relatives, or are too poor. You know, whatever the case is, you are providing a channel for them to be transported into fancy experiences through the power of the printed page. The other day our 6 year old said, “when he gets big, he’s gonna get a boat and take the young people out into the middle of the lake and shut it off and just fish.” This statement was a little higher than something he would think of himself but our 10 year old daughter said, “he gets that from the Matt Snader books. See how reading good books advances the intelligence! One more thing, This morning a customer gave me an Alaska coffee mug to use to carry some hot water and I thought to myself, I would like a cool Alaska mug that said “Matt Snader Edition” on it. Maybe this could be a new business venture for you. At book signings etc you could be selling gifts, novelty items, bumper stickers with your name on, or favorite lines from your books. If you need ideas let me know haha. You probably thought of all this already! Keep up the good work!

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